Let's all do our part as Malaysians and help carve a smile for those in need. In collaboration with Uncle Potato Food Aid, Prime International is now offering Donation box to families in need in Puchong and other areas. #KempenBenderaPutih , Family and friends can donate RM50 worth of non-perishable processed food items.
We also encourage you to give more because your contributions will help those in need!
This Food Aid Program's food bags contain basic items such as rice, cooking oil, sugar and etc.
Attached herewith the bank details and Google form.
Account details: Alliance Bank CA Learning Academy Sdn Bhd 122200010045728
To Donate with us: https://forms.gle/hBuNoWAgcDLgxDSz6
Every contribution matters! Let's all help each other!
Uncle Potato Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuancheeheng.official/
Prime International 与马铃薯叔叔联合筹备物资援助,在蒲种和附近的地区帮助有需要的家庭。#KempenBenderaPutih
您可以转账至以下的户口 Alliance Bank CA Learning Academy Sdn Bhd 122200010045728