The BIG DAY is finally year, after years of classes, late night study sessions and squeezing brain juices for exams; it's time to finally put on your graduation robes, walk the big stage (maybe shedding a few tears) and receive your high school diploma šš.
Here's a little throwback to our 2019 Graduation:
On the 17th of November 2019, we organised our annual concert along with the graduation of our very first batch of Year 11 graduates.Through hard work and dedication, students prepared unique and creative performances that lit up the whole hall. We had performances such as Flash Mob prepared by the entire school. Other great performances like Traditional Chinese Dance choreographed by Year 6 students, a Flag Dance & Taekwondo choreographed by Year 7 & 8 students. The musical ensemble of Choir led by Ms Evelyn was the highlight of the graduation. SO MANY Great talented performances!
Thank you to all students and teachers that helped make this event so successful. Thank you parents for coming, we hope you enjoyed the performances. Lastly, congratulations to the graduating class of 2019, we wish you the best for your future!
